In this issue…

Stress . . . It can get the best of everyone. Mountains of bills, poor health, job loss, and recently the pandemic and isolation, have greatly impacted the world. For farmers, add worrying about the weather, market prices, livestock health and making...
For many drivers, roads and bridges aren’t noticed until they’re in need of repair. Indiana farmers know that good, reliable roads and bridges provide the access they need to get their harvested crops from their farms to the world around them.
Projected 2020-21 marketing year ending stocks of both U.S. corn and soybeans are down sharply from recent years thanks to a variety of factors, including recovery from COVID-19 impacts, more exports – particularly to China – and increased ethano...
J.R. Roesner said his background is unconventional. Upon his Purdue University graduation in 2000, with a degree in mechanical engineering in hand, Roesner was on the way to accept his first job when his dad called and asked him to come back to the f...
In Mid-May, the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) will host a special session of the Corn Utilization and Technology Conference (CUTC) focused on funding for research, development and commercialization of new uses for corn. This special sessio...
Nine years ago, the United States and Colombia signed the U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement, which immediately removed tariffs on about 80 percent of agricultural and other U.S. exports and scheduled removal of others over 10 years.
Under SB 303, passed by the Indiana Senate and House, fuel retailers would be required to display an additional state-required warning label on pumps that dispense E15, which is a fuel blend of 15 percent ethanol with 85 percent gasoline.
I co-founded the Senate Climate Solutions Caucus because I believe that if those of us with experience in agriculture who have lived conservation in the real world aren’t part of the conversation on addressing environmental concerns, then we’ll a...
The 2020 elections brought a wave of dramatic change across the entire political landscape. While changes to who resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, or which party controls the U.S. Senate will leave a measurable impact on the future of our nation, ...