In this issue…

Known as “Africa’s boom town,” Lagos, Nigeria, is forecast to become the world’s largest city by 2100. With a population of 15.3 million people, the city has a remarkable trend of population growth and urbanization, but it lacks the infrastru...
A delegation from the Indiana Corn Marketing Council (ICMC) and the Indiana Soybean Alliance (ISA) completed a successful trade mission to Colombia in late January that spanned three cities in five days. According to ISA Chairman Jim Douglas, having ...
With 19 months until the 2018 federal farm bill expires, one legislator acknowledged the U.S. House Agriculture Committee is getting a late start on the discussion process. “This farm bill we’re in, we’re way behind on hearings,” noted Rep. G...
January was a mixed bag of policies and announcements from the Environmental Protection Agency. While EPA offered somewhat encouraging news regarding Enlist and Enlist Duo, the announcement that the agency was extending the 2019 Renewable Fuel Standa...
In late 2021, President Joe Biden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) into law. The new legislation invests in our roads, bridges, rail, ports, airports, electric grid, and other infrastructure needed to ensure the efficient move...
As it was for those who tilled the soil and raised the livestock for decades before us, it’s our job to lay the groundwork for the next generation of farmers to be successful. We cannot always choose the easy path for them, but we can help make tha...
Hello from Triple S Smith Farms in Windfall, Ind., on a cold and windy February day. I am the newly elected president of the Indiana Corn Growers Association, and I have big shoes to fill. I have watched closely as Mike Beard led our organization for...