We’ve started running some soybeans, and some of my neighbors are running corn. Thanks to all the heat and dry, dry weather, harvest came early this year for many of us. I don’t need to tell you that harvest is a busy time. Harvest is when you see the results from all of the work and worry from the year’s efforts. Mostly, Indiana farmers have been blessed with good crops and yields year after year.

For the Indiana Corn Growers Association, this summer has been a busy season, and I think we’re seeing good results that that work, too. We’ve hosted and participated in many events – and at least for me – I’m glad they’ve been in person instead of on Zoom on my computer.

In late August, we hosted the Indiana Ag Policy Summit at the Hendricks County Fairgrounds in Danville. The focus was on sustainability, and we look at that as a three-legged stool that includes environmental, economic and social sustainability. We had a lively discussion about carbon credit programs, which does combine those three categories of sustainability.

Private companies offer carbon credit programs, in many cases, to pay farmers to adopt environmentally friendly farming practices. If everything works as intended, the private companies and farmers show social sustainability; the new farming practices show environmental sustainability; and by paying for these changes, farmers could benefit from added economic sustainability.

It’s not perfect, though; very few things are perfect. For many of us who were early adopters of no-till farming, cover crops and similar techniques, we are not eligible to benefit from most of these carbon credit programs. We believe that should change, and we will campaign for that.

During the Indiana State Fair, ICGA participated in a farm bill listening session hosted by Rep. Jim Baird (R-Dist. 4) and included Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-Dist. 5) and Rep. Greg Pence (R-Dist. 6). It’s hard to believe that the 2023 Farm Bill is less than two years away. Rep. Baird is on the House Ag Committee, and he is determined to get the discussion started earlier than the last-minute 2018 Farm Bill. During the listening session, we told our lawmakers that we liked the additions to the crop insurance program from the last program and that opening more trade markets is important. With one party controlling the conversation in Washington, it’s imperative that we make our voices heard, loud and often.

Rep. Baird is a farmer, and we’re fortunate to have him representing us in Congress. He understands our issues and is a strong advocate for Hoosier farmers. We appreciate the support of lawmakers like Rep. Spartz and Rep. Pence, as well. They frequently participate in shop talks, and they are often available to speak with us when we have an issue to discuss.

Speaking of shop talks, our ICGA staff hustled to accommodate two shop talks on the same day on Sept. 2. Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.) and Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Dist. 2) both made time to visit farmers that day.

Sen. Young’s shop talk was at the farm on Don Wyss near Fort Wayne, Ind. The senator talked about the Biden Administration’s $3.5 trillion infrastructure proposal and potential changes in the tax code to pay for that bill. Some of those tax changes could impact how family-owned farms and small businesses may transfer their business to the next generation. Rep. Walorski made a short drive from her home to the farm of Lynn Loucks in Elkhart, Ind. Rep. Walorski is a past recipient of our Friend of Farmer award, and often makes herself available to speak with farmers in her district.

Finally, on Sept. 16, ICGA hosted its annual High Octane Fuel Summit to tout the benefits of ethanol to group of fuel retailers and ethanol industry stakeholders. This always an entertaining and informative event. Ethanol is important to us as nearly half of all of the corn produced in Indiana is consumed in one of our 14 ethanol plants.

So, we go from our busy summer policy season into our busy harvest season. Be careful this year. Take time to rest and enjoy the process.