Ag community’s priorities front and center in U.S. House

    from Indiana Corn and Soybean Post – Fall 2021     by Indiana Soybean Alliance & Indiana Corn Marketing Council     BY U.S. REP. JACKIE WALORSKI, R-Indiana House District 2   Hoosier farmers continue to be a solid pillar of our economy. Indiana corn...

Potential changes in tax laws could harm U.S. farmers

    from Indiana Corn and Soybean Post – Fall 2021   by Indiana Soybean Alliance & Indiana Corn Marketing Council   BY VIRGINIA HOUSTON Director of Government Affairs, American Soybean Association   Since assuming office, President Joe Biden has made it...

Indiana farmers would benefit from the Next Generation Fuels Act

from Indiana Corn and Soybean Post – Fall 2021   by Indiana Soybean Alliance & Indiana Corn Marketing Council   BY BROOKE APPLETON Vice President of Public Policy, National Corn Growers Association   The Next Generation Fuels Act (H.R. 5089) was recently...

Busy summer season for ICGA will reap benefits in near future

    from Indiana Corn and Soybean Post – Fall 2021   by Indiana Soybean Alliance & Indiana Corn Marketing Council   Mike Beard, President, Indiana Corn Growers Association   We’ve started running some soybeans, and some of my neighbors are running corn....