Indiana Corn and Soybean farmers are connected to the wider community in many ways with the goal of helping the public understand farming just a little better. Check out our community partners below.


Children’s Museum of Indianapolis – ISA has been a proud partner of the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis’ fieldtrip and virtual learning program for many years. We are also happy to sponsor SynLawn field turf in their Sports Legends Experience area, as well as information about sustainable farming practices in their science port and support curriculum and materials for their “Behind the Genes” DNA programming in the Science Lab.  Learn more about Behind the Genes Virtual Learning Program.


Indianapolis Zoo – ISA and ICMC are sponsors of the Indianapolis Zoo. Along with seasonal programming, ISA and ICMC has provided support for information about how many of the animals at the zoo receive a diet that consists of corn and soybeans. Signage and information is placed around the animal enclosures to educate visitors about the ways corn and soybeans are used to feed those animals.


Fort Wayne Zoo – The Indiana Family Farm area at the Fort Wayne Zoo is supported by the Indiana Soybean Alliance and Indiana Corn Marketing Council. This area of the zoo is dedicated to Hoosier agriculture and features barnyard animals as well as crop plots with corn and soybeans.


Indiana State Fairgrounds – Both the Indiana Soybean Alliance and Indiana Corn Marketing Council are heavily involved in educational programming at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. Along with the annual tradition of hosting thousands of visitors The Glass Barn and Little Hands on the Farm, ISA and ICMC sponsor virtual fieldtrips to the fairgrounds where students learn about genetics, modern agriculture and the many ways corn is used in our daily lives. We also sponsor a regular evening program that showcases Indiana distilleries and the ways corn is used to create craft spirits. Learn more about these offerings.


Indiana FFA – The Indiana Soybean Alliance and Indiana Corn Marketing Council partner with the Indiana FFA. ICMC has provided funding for a wrapped flex-fuel vehicle for state officers and FFA staff to use to get to the various engagements across the country. ISA has provided funding for the miniature golf course at the FFA Pavilion during the state fair to have SynLawn soybean-backed turf. During the State Fair, ISA partners with FFA students to bring the Bennie the Bean mascot to life for fairgoers and ICMC provides corn-plastic utensils for the organization to distribute along with their ice cream treats.


Fair Oaks Farms – The Indiana Soybean Alliance and Indiana Corn Marketing Council have sponsored content and curriculum at Fair Oaks Farms. Support for their Crop Adventure program, including their state-of-the-art Sphere theater, the Show Garden featuring corn and soybeans, soy candle making workshops and pollinator workshops fieldtrips during each school year.  Sign up for a workshop here.


Purdue University Ag Week – Purdue hosts an Ag Week each spring and ISA and ICMC are proud to sponsor their efforts. The celebration of agriculture is meant to bring awareness to the College of Ag as well as the University’s ag partners in Indiana and beyond. We are proud to sponsor their Hammer Down Hunger event each year, where students build meal kits for those less fortunate. We also participate in their ag tailgate where students are able to meet those in the ag industry and learn more about modern farming.


Eiteljorg Museum – The Indiana Soybean Alliance is a proud sponsor of Jingle Rails at the Eiteljorg Museum. The winter tradition features model trains that travel through scale replicas of Indiana landmarks including ISA’s Glass Barn at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. Along with ICMC, ISA also sponsors the Indiana Festival and Market, a two-day Native American Arts and Culture festival at the museum in downtown Indianapolis.


Dulls Tree Farm – ISA and ICMC host a sustainability flower arranging class and luncheon at Dull’s Tree Farm that focuses on the importance of pollinators. The afternoon consists of information about how Indiana farmers protect the land and care for the habitat of pollinators. Farmer directors discuss their own sustainability practices and a florist walks the attendees through flower arranging techniques. The guests are able to create two bouquets, one to take home and one to deliver to a farm as a “thank you” for all they are doing to be good stewards of the land.


Indiana Farm Bureau – In partnership with Indiana Farm Bureau, Indiana Soybean Alliance has provided funding for all Indiana middle school ag teachers to receive a subscription to the MyCaert online ag-curriculum library. The teachers are able to access classroom-ready lessons, complete with activities, assignments, tests and teachers guides. All of the curriculum adheres to Indiana state education standards.


Indiana Foodways Alliance – October is National Pork Month and the Indiana Soybean Alliance has partnered with the Indiana Foodways Alliance to make it Porktober and sponsor their Indiana Tenderloin Lovers Trail. During the month of October, participating restaurants that receive the top three check-ins on the Indiana Culinary Trails app, receive a supply of High Oleic Soybean Oil. Along with the Tenderloin Lovers Trail, ISA has also sponsored the Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner trail, awarding the restaurant serving fried chicken that receives the most check-ins a supply of High Oleic Soybean Oil as well.