Working with innovators, universities, and farmers themselves, ISA and ICMC collectively invest over $3 million in research that helps identify solutions for Indiana farmers.


From new uses, to environmental stressors, to input use and costs, all research drives toward improved farm profitability.


A recent United Soybean Board study found that for every checkoff dollar invested in research, $18 returns back to the farm.


Indiana Corn and Soybean Innovation Center 

ISA and ICMC provided $2 million in checkoff funds for the automated plant phenotyping facility at Purdue Agronomy Center for Research and Education (ACRE) to support research and develop students to ultimately benefit Indiana’s soybean farmers. Learn more about the Indiana Corn and Soybean Innovation Center here.

Soybean Research Information Network 


Indiana-funded research results can be found on the research database called, the Soybean Research Information Network (SRIN).