ISA and ICMC invest farmers’ checkoff funds to improve on-farm water quality and water-use practices by partnering on several on-farm conservation programs.

INfield Advantage

Helps get farmers get started using cover crops and evaluating use through soil tests, tissue samples and soil health assessments. Learn more

Upper White Cover Crop Program

Farmers who live in the Upper White Watershed will receive cover crop seed and application as part of the program. Program opens summer 2023.  Learn more about on-farm conservation resources.

Soil and Water Outcomes Fund

This program provides payment to farmers who farm in southern Indiana for the multiple environmental outcomes of new conservation practices. These outcomes include water quality improvements and carbon sequestration. Learn more

Pollinator Plot Resources

ISA and ICMC partner with Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever to provide resources for farmers and landowners who would like to add pollinators plots to their farms. Email Coordinating Wildlife Biologist, Mike Smith, for more information.

NCGA’s Best Practices for Pollinators

Review NCGA’s Best Practices for Pollinator resources. Learn more

Soybean Research and Information Network

Your source for all research, communications and information regarding soybean diseases, pests, diagnostic tools and more. Learn more.