Voting Information

The voting period for the 2022 election is now closed.

ISA is governed by a Board of 24 volunteer farmer-directors plus 7 non-voting ex-officio Board members who meet throughout the year to develop ISA’s programs. Farmer Directors are elected by Indiana soybean farmers in June and take office to begin their term in November.

National Representation

Indiana also has four farmers who serve as national directors on the American Soybean Association’s board of directors, four who serve on the United Soybean Board.

Meet Our Board

Executive Committee

Board Members

Election Information

There are two directors for each of Indiana’s four districts (view district map) up for election each year.  Candidate applications are due in the beginning of March, and elections in contested districts are held during the month of June by ballots sent to every soybean farmer residing in that district.

Board members are elected to a three-year term and can serve three consecutive terms.

What does the board do?

  • Manages and conducts the business of the Indiana Soybean Alliance
  • Upholds certain standards of conduct including duty of care, duty of loyalty, duty of obedience, and duty of transparency.
  • Attends quarterly board meetings (typically held in November, March, June and August). These meetings are required and are two days in length. Most meetings will be held at the ISA office in Indianapolis.
  • Participate in trade missions, work with the media, represent ISA at events and meetings.
  • Serve on ISA committees each year. These committees lead the staff members’ work and provide direction regarding board decisions. The committees are Membership and Policy, Market Development, and Sustainability + Value Creation and typically meet at the same time as Board meetings.
  • Invest as an Advocate Member if serving on the Membership and Policy Committee.


  • A candidate for nomination must be an individual who:
  • Resides in Indiana from the district they wish to represent
  • Produces soybeans or has an ownership interest in an entity which produces soybeans and shares in the risk of loss of soybean production
  • Has paid within the last two years into the federal soybean checkoff administered by the ISA and is not in arrears or default on such payments
  • Has not previously been involved in actions that were found by the ISA Board of Directors to be a violation of the code of conduct of the ISA and resulted in such candidate’s removal or resignation from the ISA Board of Directors.
  • All candidates shall provide to the ISA a list of all the places to which they’ve sold soybeans in the last two years.
  • No immediate family member of a Director shall serve concurrently as a Director on the Board of Directors with the related Director.

Candidate Application

All potential candidates who submit their names through the form below will receive a follow-up from ISA staff and be asked to fill out and sign the current Indiana election certification form. All candidates will then be reviewed for approval to be placed on ballot by the ISA governance committee in March.