In this issue…

This May was a big one for Purdue Extension’s agronomy department as Bob “The Corn King” Nielson began phasing out more of his Extension Corn Specialist duties and phasing more of his life into retirement. Enter Daniel Quinn.
Even though Purdue Extension’s “Corn King” Bob Nielson will hand his scepter down as he phases out of his Extension Corn Specialist position into 2022, many would agree that his contributions to Indiana’s corn industry could be described as p...
Just as political administrations and power cycle in Washington, D.C., so do proposals for funding the services of federal government. As the Indiana Soybean Alliance (ISA) Membership and Policy Committee and Indiana Corn Growers Association (ICGA) t...
Hello from our Decatur County farm near Greensburg, Ind. County fairs, cutting hay, family get-togethers . . . I think we’re emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic into some familiar summer activities. People are eager, I think, to see each other f...