Your opinion matters and what you have to say directly impacts the future and direction of the Iowa Soybean Association (ISA).

Beginning Aug. 8, ISA farmer-members will receive an email asking them to participate in the organization’s annual survey.

Results from the survey will be tabulated, and in turn, those answers will help shape ISA’s engagement efforts and goals for the next year.

What are the questions?

The email survey asks participants to address a variety of topics – everything from demographic details, engagement with and perceptions about ISA.

The survey queries members about their familiarity with ISA, overall experience with the association and topics they hope ISA will address in the future.

“The feedback we receive from the annual survey allows us to pivot our efforts to best fit the Iowa soybean farmer,” says ISA Producer Services Coordinator Kennady Moffitt. “We take great responsibility in providing useful and meaningful opportunities for our farmer members and the survey results help us hone in on the big priorities.”

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