Global demand continues to grow for corn and soybeans. As a top producer of both commodities and the livestock that eat corn and soybeans, Indiana benefits from a thriving export market.

Farmers, through the corn and soybean checkoffs, invest their dollars in building these markets. This investment comes in the form of partnerships with organizations who coordinate in-country staff and trade programs to provide education, training and customer service. Relationship building is a critical component of commodity export programs to ensure a place for Indiana-grown products in the competitive marketplace.

A U.S. Grains Council study determined that the U.S. agricultural export value increased by $24.50 for every dollar invested in export market development from 1977-2019. The annual lift in export revenues in the same period was 13.7% (via study from the U.S. Grains Council).

Export Partnerships

ISA and ICMC partner with several organizations to ensure Indiana is well represented in the global soybean and corn market.


The USDA Foreign Ag Service is charged with providing assistance to buyers and sellers of U.S. agricultural products. Several programs provide funding for technical assistance, market research, consumer promotions, trade servicing and educational seminars.


The U.S. Soybean Export Council is a partnership of key stakeholders representing soybean producers, commodity shippers, identity preserved value-added merchandisers, allied agribusinesses, and agricultural organizations.

US Grains Council

The US Grains Council works to develop corn and ethanol export markets in more than 50 countries.


The World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH) aims to provide U.S. soybean farmers with long-term trade relationships and market development by bringing the benefits of soy to developing countries. WISHH is a program of the American Soybean Association (ASA).


The USA Poultry and Egg Export Council (USAPEEC) Through its network of international offices and consultants in key markets around the globe, USAPEEC keeps current on issues that have a direct impact on U.S. poultry and egg exports, and its mission is to promote exports of U.S. poultry and eggs around the world.


The U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF) is a nonprofit trade association working to create new opportunities and develop existing international markets for U.S. beef, pork, lamb and veal.