• Corn and grain farming supported 12,060 jobs in Indiana. (Census of Ag 2017)
  • Soybean and oilseed farming supported 10,210 jobs in Indiana. (Census of Ag 2017)
  • There are approximately 20,000 corn and soybean farms in Indiana.
  • In 2021, Indiana ranked 5th in the nation in corn and 4th in soybean production
  • Indiana ranks 5th in the nation for Biodiesel, and averages over 100 million gallons annually. (Indiana Soybean Biodiesel Report 2020)
  • Indiana is the 6th -largest producer of ethanol in the United States.
  • The state’s 15 biorefineries make an estimated 1.4 billion gallons of ethanol each year. In crop year 2021, 40% of Indiana’s corn crop went into ethanol production, which equates to approx. 400 million bushels of corn.
  • 37,000 Indiana jobs are supported by ethanol production
  • In 2021, 5.4 million acres of corn were planted, 5.2 million acres of corn were harvested (Proexporter 2022)
  • In 2021, the average corn yield was 187 bu/acre (Proexporter 2022)
  • In 2021, Indiana farmers produced 982 million bushels of corn (Proexporter 2022)
  • In 2021, 5.7 million acres of soybeans were planted. 5.7 million acres of soybeans were harvested, yielding an average of 59 bushels/acre (ProExporter 2022)
  • In crop year ending 2021, Indiana farmers produced 338 million bushels of soybeans (ProExporter 2022)